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Holy Spirit / St Margaret’s Religious Education Registration Form




Student Last Name  _____________________First Name _______________________


Address _______________________________________    Zip Code________________


Date of Birth _____________________________Phone # _________________


School Presently Attending :_________________________________________Grade______



Father ________________________Phone #_________ Cell#____________

Religion ________________


Mother (Include Maiden Name)_______________________  _____________________________

Phone #_________                         Cell # ___________

Religion ________________



Are you a registered member of Holy Spirit? _____  or St.Margaret’s?_____________


If parents are separated or divorced, please give the name, address, and phone number of the non-custodial parent.


Name _________________________________________   Phone __________________

Address _______________________________________    Zip Code________________


Does your child have any allergies that we should know of/ ________

If so, what is the allergy? __________________________________________


Emergency Name ________________________________

Phone #__________________Relation __________________



Do you wish to receive notices by text   Y   N  or e-mail ? __________________

                                                                                                            Email address



For Religious Ed Office:

Check # _____________________  Cash ______________________

Baptismal Certificate on File : _____

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